Projekt: MoP
Megnyitotta Diffuse-Evermoon - 13.08.2017 02:08
Utoljára szerkesztette: Chris - 24.02.2018 10:06

FS#7640 - Feral Spirit / Spirit wolves (Enhancement)

The Spirit Wolves summoned by an Enhancement shaman’s Feral Spirit seem to be using their Spirit Bite ability far too often resulting in them doing ridiculous damage.
I’ve looked at some damage logs and the wolves seem to consistently use 8 spirit bites for every Feral Spirit activation (which lasts 30 seconds) - 56s uptime on wolves (2 activations) 16 total Spirit Bites - 58.1s uptime on wolves (2 activations), 15 total Spirit Bites - 57.2s, 16 bites - 55.7s, 16 bites - 83.1s (3 activations) 22 bites, probably missing 2 bites from the last activation.
You get the idea, each wolf manages to do 4 bites in the 30 seconds they’re alive.

On tauri however they seem to consistently do 19 bites each, resulting in a total of 38 Spirit Bites over 30 seconds (see the attached screenshots)

   wolves1.png (123,8 kilobájt)
   wolves2.png (117,7 kilobájt)
Lezárta  Chris
24.02.2018 10:06
A lezárása indoka:  Fixed
További megjegyzések a lezárással kapcsolatban  

After crash/restart

Notatroll-Evermoon commented on 13.08.2017 02:46

Their auto attack speed seems to be too slow on tauri tho. Due to the logs provided by OP they do 100 auto hits total in 30 sec. On tauri however they do only around 45 auto hits in total over 30 secs.

Diffuse-Evermoon commented on 13.08.2017 03:17

#1 155 swings/56 seconds (166 over 60 seconds or 84 over 30s)
#2 176/58.1s (181 over 60s, 90 over 30s)
#3 162/57.2s (170 over 60s, 85 over 30s)
#4 149/55.7s (160 over 60s, 80 over 30s)
#5 206/83.1 (223 over 90s, 74 over 30s)
Keep in mind that this is the attack count of both wolves together.

Do they scale with haste effects? If so, which ones?
Assuming they do, most of their attacks are probably front loaded at the start of the fight with bloodlust and elemental mastery.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the people in these logs are going to have far more haste in from Siege of Orgrimmar HC gear than is currently available on tauri.
One additional thing is that these are Iron Juggernaut logs and he knocks you back during the fight, but ghost wolves have a leap abilty. So determining the number of normal swings they should do for their duration can be a bit tricky.

Notatroll-Evermoon commented on 13.08.2017 03:36

Due to Blizzard they only scale with AP:

Anyway, given that it is Lightguard who is gonna deal with this issue and given that he is not the brightest bulb on the porch because he somehow managed to fuck up a whole spec only by altering proc
chances, this ticket should be closed asap. Because if Lightguard tries to mess with this, enh will be dead for good this time.

Klotyomanus-WoD commented on 13.08.2017 18:17

To be fair on tauri one wolf hits 8K. Together hit 16K, on the log the spirit bite hit for average 31k.

Diffuse-Evermoon commented on 13.08.2017 18:32

The characters in the logs also have far better gear than you can currently get on tauri. A single trinket proc (14k agi) gives them more agility than a shaman has in 483 PTR gear (12.3k). I don’t think AP scaling is broken.

Klotyomanus-WoD commented on 15.08.2017 15:16

Is that WoD pre patch?(Tip from the Multistrike in damage)
Not Possible that Blizzart made something with Spirit Bite?
I searched it for a long time, but didn’t find anything about the Spirit Bite ability.

Horogh-Tauri commented on 22.08.2017 09:11
Diffuse-Evermoon commented on 24.08.2017 01:47

@klotyomanus I believe the effect from Haromm’s Talisman ( is registered as “multistrike” in some logs.

Inactive-Reborn commented on 24.08.2017 17:51

Its nerfed moooore yesterday. Please stop playing enhancement, that class not a " blizz and TT gm team liked” class. Leveling a mage, or warrior. Rush to lvl 90, and enjoy the wow on the first Hungarian private server ;)

Klotyomanus-WoD commented on 08.12.2017 13:27

Ez alapján jó a mennyiség tehát lehet is zárni.( 30/1,5=20 ← egy kutya, 2 kutya 2*20=40)

Diffuse-Evermoon commented on 08.12.2017 13:32

(Global cooldown is not the same as a cooldown if that’s what you’re implying, idk google translate is kinda shit for Hungarian)

Aithne commented on 08.12.2017 14:29

Klotyomanus, amit linkeltem, az arra utal, hogy dbc-ben eddig volt rajta 5 sec cd, aztán mopban valamiért levették, de van róla proof, hogy DBC bug, hiszen eredetin nem spamelték a kutyák.

Magyarul kéne rajta 5 sec cd-nek lenni, de nincs.

Source: I made it the fuck up commented on 04.02.2018 21:54

b u m p

commented on 07.02.2018 10:20

Fix waiting room

Thek-Tauri commented on 22.02.2018 12:25

Berakok ide is egy képet a szimulációról amit a másik reportnál (FS#9993) emlegettem
A farkasoknak kb. 40/60 arányban kellene sebeznie spirit bite-tal/meleevel a melee javára, és az 5.4.8-as simcraftban 7 sec a spirit bite base CD-je - ha ez esetleg segít.


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