Projekt: MoP
Megnyitotta Lingu-WoD - 02.06.2017 18:29
Utoljára szerkesztette: Lightguard-Tauri - 23.06.2017 17:24

FS#6151 - Vanish BUG IMPORTANT

I want to report many vanish bugs that i found out when i playing rogue firstly there is bug that allows enemy rogues see you after vanish when they got bleeds on you. Secondly there is bug with hunter mark. Hunter mark should be taken off when rogue use vanish and in current state it allows hunters still see rogues after vanish and hit them through it . And thirdly when rogue get stunned or other cc in the same time when used vanish when vanish buff goes off rogue don’t get Subterfuge buff but they should get becuase vanish is improved stealth mode and after breaking stealth rogue should still be invisible for enemies for 3s in Subterfuge when specced into it.

Lezárta  Lightguard-Tauri
23.06.2017 17:24
A lezárása indoka:  Fixed
Notstefz-WoD commented on 03.06.2017 00:51


Raizenator-Tauri commented on 12.06.2017 12:01

Teljesen egyet tudok érteni ezzel, minden amit leírt ide igaz.

Onyxynn-Tauri commented on 20.06.2017 22:28



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