Projekt: MoP
Megnyitotta Cutielol-WoD - 02.06.2017 15:55
Utoljára szerkesztette: Higi - 14.09.2017 13:34

FS#6142 - Gara'jal - Spiritual Innervation issues (Mogu'shan Vaults)


Spiritual Innervation is a buff which is acquired by entering the Spirit Realm and receiving heals. The buff makes you gives you Haste, Mastery, Crit and Damage Done increase. This buff stacks! (Well, not the buff but the goodies you get from the buff does.) You get 1% from everything which i’ve listed before for each stack.

Note: We haven’t had the chance to test all off the abilities listed below, so any information wether they’re working properly or not, would be appreciated!

from what i’ve gathered these are the spell that should give stack while you’re in the spirit realm. (Or help you stack faster)

Healing Spells

Absorption Effects χ
Cast-time Heals (All) ✔
Ground-Based Healing Effects ✔
HoTs -ish ✔
Instant Direct Heals ✔
Light’s Hammer χ
Priest Level 90 Talents χ

Splash/Incidental Healing

Ancestral Awakening χ
Beacon of Light ✔
Chi Torpedo ✔
Guardian of the Ancient Kings χ
Healing Stream Totem χ
Living Seed χ


Desperate Prayer ✔
Devouring Plague χ
Healthstone ✔

Raid Healing CDs

Ancestral Guidance χ
Ascendance χ
Healing Tide Totem χ
Tranquility ✔
Vampiric Embrace χ

Throughput CDs

Avenging Wrath ✔
Divine Favor ✔
Elemental Mastery ✔

The idea behind this buff is that there’s no real gain from stacking it above 22-23% because there’s a diminishing return added the the buff.

As I noticed, it doesn’t matter which healing spells you use until they have a direct heal effect. - Higi


HoTs are ignored - Higi

How Much Healing Makes a Stack?

Approximately 20-30k healing will generate a single stack of Spiritual Innervation. The Conclusion is that you need approximately 500k healing per player to get to 20~ Stacks

Note:HoT ticks that do not increase the buff stacks also do not refresh the buff’s duration.

HoT effects do not apply a stack upon application, unless they deliver direct healing upon application (such as Holy Renew, Riptide, and Restoration Rejuvenation). The individual HoT ticks, depending on the size of the heal they deliver, can also provide stacks. (Around 2-3 tick they give a stack if and only if the 3 tick together reaches the total of 25-30k healing

Buffs you get from SI

Apart from the haste,mastery,crit gain each class has its own and unique buff from SI. Please refer to this Wowhead link for all the information needed on that.

Note: @everyone If anyone could provide the information whether they get the correct buff with the right class (E.G as a ret pally you gain 1 holy power every sec for the duration of the buff) would be then again much appreciated since we have acces to every class.

I would like to highlight that warlocks and hunters gain ridicoulus amount of stacks and that allows them to do around 300 - 500k ish dps.

Spiritual Innervation stackelődése érdekesen működik,legtöbb castra kb 30-40%-ig stackel, de ma lockon meg múltheti alkalommal hunteren is kb 200-300%-ig stackelt fel amivel sikerült 300k-s dpst összehozni. Nem igazán találtam infót hogy meddig lehet felstackelni, de videókban látottak alapján biztos hogy nem kéne ilyen gyorsan, főleg nem 300%-ig

We had a warlock on our raid doing 500k dps.

I issued a small mod for the lock case, maybe it will affect hunters aswell, we’ll see - Higi

I’m not quite sure what makes warlocks and hunters gain that much stack, the one thing that came in mind is that we had a resto druid on our kill. If i’m right, Each tick of every hot applied to the target gives a stack of SI - Not quite sure though.. we haven’t had the chance to test it.

@Developers If you could also run through all the spells listed above to see wether they’re stacking the buff or not would be great !

I try to keep this post up to date whenever we’re getting new information.

This is topic was made 30% from my knowledge and 70% has been gathered from the internet.


Updated: 201. 06. 14. 18:15 - Higi

Lezárta  Higi
14.09.2017 13:34
A lezárása indoka:  Fixed
Nicebugbro-Evermoon commented on 02.06.2017 16:13
This is topic was made 30% from my knowledge and 70% has been gathered from the internet.

You should list your sources so they can see that these are legit informations.
Otherwise anyone could post some dumb shit saying that this is how it worked on retail.

Cutielol-WoD commented on 02.06.2017 16:24

Ooops, I forgot to add them. thanks for the reminder.

Dlcklongdlck-Tauri commented on 21.06.2017 23:15

Nem lehet hogy Hunteren és Lockon azért stackel olyan hamar mert van rajtuk passive heal? Gondolok itt Spirit Bond, Grimoire of Sacrifice-ra meg ahogy néztem lockon a Drain Life elég keményen stackeli mert healel+dmg el is.

Source: I made it the fuck up commented on 22.06.2017 19:01

Stackelés még mindig rossz Lockon és Hunteren.

Dlcklongdlck-Tauri commented on 22.06.2017 20:44
Higi commented on 26.06.2017 11:09

DC után kellene teszt ismét / Requires server restart

Source: I made it the fuck up commented on 29.06.2017 19:05

06.29 25 N Tauri 18:50 körül (deadlock-os DC után)

egyáltalán nem stackel lent a debuff, 3%-ot ad aztán ott megáll
ha újra lemész se adja hozzá (ugye normon nincs a 30 sec debuff, hogy ne tudj lemenni újra, HC-n ez nem lesz lehetséges úgy sem)

Higi commented on 03.07.2017 11:22

Nézzük meg újra plz

Orsforizs-Tauri commented on 14.09.2017 12:57

Higi, szerintem zárható, mert az eddigi tapasztalatok alapján rendben van.


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