Projekt: MoP
Megnyitotta Itemiarz-Evermoon - 27.04.2017 11:12
Utoljára szerkesztette: Lightguard-Tauri - 05.07.2017 12:00

FS#5161 - Storm, Earth, and Fire

Monk spell “Storm, Earth, and Fire” is not working properly.
Here is the list of bugs and profs:

1.Elementals should always attack from behind and apply “Blackout kick” dot
2.They should be able to crit and get their own " Tiger Strikes” proc
3.2 Spirits Summoned - Monk and spirits should deal 55% of the Monk’s normal damage but on Tauri, they (Monk and spirits) are doing 40 % of monk normal dmg. Works fine with just 1 spirit. 4.If you are more than 10 yards away from one of your spirits you are losing combat and you can’t aa or use spells.
5. Spirits are despawning if they took any kind of AoE dmg.
1.Prof- 2:00-2.10
2.Prof- 0:30-0-35 and “tiger strikes (not direct copy, but they do gain tiger strikes by themselves, even if attacking the same target)” 3 Prof-Tooltip or “Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Now deals 70% damage (up from 60%) with one Spirit summoned and 55% (up from 45%) with two Spirits summoned.”,_Earth,_and_Fire

Lezárta  Lightguard-Tauri
05.07.2017 12:00
A lezárása indoka:  Fixed


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