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Projekt: MoP
Megnyitotta Source: I made it the fuck up - 28.10.2023 11:37
Utoljára szerkesztette: Martijn/Cold - 28.10.2023 17:20

FS#45280 - Get to Getry / Foolish Endeavors

Get to Getry quest can’t be completed because Shadowstalker Getry bugs out, you can see him standing there, but can’t talk to him at all. (stays bugged until a server restart)

This is caused by the next quest Foolish Endeavors that makes the NPC move around and reset if you finish it properly. Could be caused by players leaving during the roleplay (like accepting a dungeon invite) or the npc getting attacked/dying while running back etc. This quest has been breaking for years and had multiple “fixes”.

Not sure how possible it is, but a haxx fix would be making Shadowstalker Getry permanently stay where you accept the quest, and when someone starts it instead of the original walking down and doing the rp it would be a duplicated one idk.

This quest chain is required for the rare weapons so its fairly important during leveling.

Lezárta  Martijn/Cold
28.10.2023 17:20
A lezárása indoka:  Fixed
További megjegyzések a lezárással kapcsolatban  

for good now, hopefully

Martijn/Cold commented on 28.10.2023 11:52

Getry stands still, can not be interacted with... Does this also come with Varidius spamming his shield?
I made another potential fix (after restart)

Source: I made it the fuck up commented on 28.10.2023 12:26

Does this also come with Varidius spamming his shield?


Martijn/Cold commented on 28.10.2023 16:50

If you know any way to reproduce it, that would be great. So far I fixed the causes I could reproduce.

Martijn/Cold commented on 28.10.2023 17:04

i actually managed to reproduce it just now, but ran out of time... will try to fix soon™


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