• Státusz Lezárva
  • % kész
  • Hibajegy típusa Bug Report
  • Kategória Dungeons/Raid → Cataclysm → Lost City of the Tol'vir
  • Felhasználó hozzárendelése Senki
  • Rendszer All
  • Súlyosság közepes
  • Prioritás Normál
  • Jelentett változat 1.0
  • Esedékesség határozatlan
  • Esedékesség időpontja határozatlan
  • Szavazatok 4
  • Privát
Projekt: MoP
Megnyitotta LEWONIDAS - 26.10.2020 20:37
Utoljára szerkesztette: Higi - 03.04.2023 09:16

FS#32442 - Siamat encounter in the Lost City of the Tol'vir


There is a bug on Siamat encounter in the Lost City of the Tol’vir at least on heroic.

All adds spawn behind the floor, and some cross the floor but not all of them, so we cannot get the “Headed South” acheivement with my friends. This achievement is mandatory to “glory of the cataclysm Hero” could you do something about it ?

Thanks a lot for you’re time.


Lezárta  Higi
03.04.2023 09:16
A lezárása indoka:  Fixed
További megjegyzések a lezárással kapcsolatban  

requires server restart

Gohealurself-Tauri commented on 26.10.2020 23:45

Mb try to solo it instead? It worked when I did it. Some screenshots of unreachable adds would be helpful though.

LEWONIDAS commented on 01.11.2020 22:45

Ok we finally succeed.

But we try 3 times and get the same bug each time.

Then what we did is i pull the boss solo and the rest of us stay out of the instance.
And when the 3 adds where on top of the platform they come in and we did it.

Attach is a screen of the mob who pop under the ground.

VILLIAN commented on 26.12.2020 07:07

they still falling, buut mind theres already issued like 3 times before, try before opening new tasks to expand other people posts pls, it really does helps (not only per votes and comments but also to gather all the info on an only place

Duttu-Tauri commented on 25.01.2021 14:01

Yes, players can solo it the boss, but the achivement of glory ( can't do.

Martijn/Cold commented on 18.10.2022 17:19

Taken from duplicate report

FRANAGU commented on 01.04.2023 13:19

Boss still spawn adds behind the floor, but if still catch one of them with a DK grip, explosion of final didnt give you a the debuff necessary to get the achievement.


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